• FactorFive Post treatment kit

FactorFive Post treatment kit

  • Brand: FactorFive
  • $80.00

Skin treatments can have amazing benefits and help with many common skin concerns such as wrinkles and fine lines, stretch marks, uneven skin tone, scarring, and more, but some treatments (such as microneedling) actually cause small amounts of damage to both the outer epidermis layer and inner dermis layer of the skin. The damage is so minimal that the skin is usually back to normal within a few hours or days (depending on the treatment), but in that time a healing response has been triggered, in which your own stem cells start to heal the area that has been affected by your skin treatment.

By following your treatment with FACTORFIVE, this will give your skin an extra boost of adult human stem cell derived growth factors that diminish the look of wrinkles, acne scarring, hyper pigmentation, and more.

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